Wednesday, December 07, 2011

then the world flips and you can't do a handstand.

Funny how some people weren't made to be powerful. How, for some, being on top doesn't really cut it. But you're too insecure to admite it. You don't want to seem weak before your woman. Plus, you need the extra cash. And you think you're ambitious.

So you become a prick to get it. Betray your friends. The opposition now opposes you for you are in charge. And you become paranoid because you realise how bad of a leader you are, in fact.

But it's too late... You've given your spine away. And you're just slimy goo stuck under real people's shoes.
Pity on you.

1 comment:

L. said...

agora aprendi a usar o google reader, e já sei quando postas em directo!
relativamente a este, I totally know how you feel: a maioria das pessoas é cobarde e mesquinha. damn humans...